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Interview of Genes by Kara Zosha

Photograph by Georgia Wallace

Hello Genes, it’s so lovely to chat with you! How are you doing today?

Today I’m feeling really good actually, I just got back from pilates and made a pasta bake and have been listening to some Genes demos…. Tell you what though, I’ve been sick on and off for the last 6 weeks so it’s nice to finally be able to taste food properly again and have a bit of energy. It’s the small things in life for me.

How would you explain the music you make to someone?

It’s like if Kylie Minogue, Carly Rae Jepsen and HAIM had a really happy and smiley baby in the 80s. It’s just fun bubblegum pop music in all its glory. Although, the Genes stuff I’ve been making lately is delving a little darker. Maybe it’s the winter weather that’s making me feel more nostalgic lately.

Your name ‘Genes’ is a nod to how music is ingrained in your DNA, how long have you been writing and performing music?

Around age 11, and I haven’t stopped. I used to type up my lyrics, print them out and put them in one of those old school laminated folders with the plastic sheets and film myself singing the melodies. Then I got guitar lessons so I could put chords to the lyrics and started uploading to YouTube. It’s been a wild journey of writing for other artists and DJs, to now releasing as Genes for the last two and a bit years.

What’s your favorite part of creating a song?

Getting to work and collaborate with genuine friends. I love that there’s no right or wrong with songwriting, and you can literally re-write parts of songs over and over again until the vibe is there. The best feeling for me is when you’re in the room and you can ride the creative flow with ease. It doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, damn – it’s euphoric.

Your discography is filled with relatable pop hits that’s refreshing yet something we can all resonate with. What inspires your songwriting?

It can be anything, but mainly I’m inspired when my silly little heart feels things.

How did your newest single ‘Crumble’ come about?

I flew down to Melbourne this Christmas just passed and squeezed in a couple of sessions while I was there. I got to work with my favourite people – Ben Oldland who is an incredible producer, and songwriter Zoe Adore. I had just moved my whole life from Townsville in FNQ to Brisbane for a new gig and left behind a lovely person I met up there. Crumble captures that feeling of leaning into something new and different and unexpected.

What are your aspirations for the future?

To play some big festivals, be present, write music that I care about with people that I love and just live, breathe and feel things. And obviously eat good food too.

Thank you so much for chatting with me! Where can people find you and your music?

Follow me @itsgenesmusic on all platforms:






Kara Zosha

Kara (they/them) is currently the music editor for Ramona Magazine based in Delaware, USA. Creativity and self-expression are at the core of Kara’s life. They could talk your ear off about basically anything including a book they’ve recently finished or the latest artist they’ve been listening to. Kara is hard to quantify, but they are a person you won’t forget!

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