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Poem and Artwork by Kaitlyn Lafferty //

Poem and Artwork by Kaitlyn Lafferty


reverb through me

remind me of my uselessness

lay simmered truth

in shades of blue

on dry corners of my mouth

watch me explode

with bright yellow

the color of

a dying sun

let me ruin

let me forget

let me close

you were right

to question my intentions

question a murmur

bleeding through

a sorrowful frame

craving distraction

and fleeting meaning

in crossed connection points

Kaitlyn Lafferty

Kaitlyn Lafferty is a gallery host at the Denver Art Museum in Denver, CO. She writes and sells a really personal perzine called perpetual ambivalence about her misadventures and wonderment with all things life. Right now, she attends community college of Denver, working towards becoming a geologist. Outside of work and school, she is an artivist and organizer with a focus on energy justice and reclaiming emotions. She is passionate about nature, art and all the small beauties of living. If she could be any color at this point in her life, it would be a delicate shade of pastel salmon. Keep up with Kaitlyn on Facebook & Etsy.

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