Writing by Ruby Jones // Illustration by Joy Gomez Kolber // Our playlist extraordinaire Ruby Jones is back with her definitive winter playlist – the perfect collection of tracks for a cosy winter’s day, with just you and the sound of wind and rain. And if you’re in the midst of summer, this playlist will help you to craft the insular winter vibe you’ve been craving.

Dear readers,
The cold weather is well and truly upon us and I don’t know about you, but I for one suffer from the winter blues. When I was younger a friend of mine at the time introduced me to the song ‘Wintertime Love’ by The Doors which served as a musical antidote to the dreary weather. Even when the sky is dark and the temperature drops that song can still make me smile. Here is my collection of my all time favourite tunes for when its cold outside. Let it wrap you up like a warm blanket!
Love Ruby
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