Poem by Emily Bourne // photograph by Bobbi Karg
Poem by Emily Bourne // photograph by Bobbi Karg
I want her to find me with his arms around me, draped across my shoulders like a scarf, my grip tight on his bicep /
I want her to find me in his embrace, the air around us positively charged, nobody able to resist the force we emit /
I want her to find me on his tongue, in his speech, in the corners of his mouth, stuck in his teeth / And I want her to tell me how wrong it is.
She would tell me that I can’t keep doing this, that I can’t keep gorging myself on his insides for fun /
She would run her fingers along my skin, her gentle caress driving me crazy in all my favourite ways /
She would feel like a feather in contrast to his rough hands, juxtaposing her soft breaths and low exclamations /
And she would tell me this is how it’s supposed to be.